Modified concrete cutting machine Mark Anthony A. De Leon... [et. al] - October 2018 - xii, 106 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm.


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The study aimed to develop an modified concrete cutting machine. Specifically, this study sought to design and construct compression testing device, perform try-out and revision; evaluate the acceptability of improvised compression testing device in terms of functionality, durability, usefulness, and safety and maintenance. Moreover, this research also studied the level of performance in the terms of accuracy and the duration of testing, and to develop user's manual intended for this project. It was conducted at the University of Rizal System, Morong Campus during S.Y 2018-2019. On the design and construction of the Modified Concrete Cutting Machine the researchers prepared working drawing, list and estimate of materials and procedure to be followed during the construction of the machine. Furthermore, the concrete cutting machine can be modified and can be constructed from locally available materials. Try out and revisions was also done by the researchers during the construction period of the modified concrete cutting machine. Through try-out and revision, the project reached the functional output and attained its purpose after revising the different defects found. The acceptability of the device in terms of functionality, the device got excellent while the existing device obtained Very Satisfactory as evaluated by the respondents. Likewise, durability got Extremely Durable and the existing device got Very Durable. In terms of usefulness, the device obtained Extremely Useful, while the existing device was Very Useful. Lastly, Safety and Maintenance, attained Extremely Safe and Maintainable which different from the existing device and was evaluated by the respondents as Very Safe and Maintainable. The acceptability of the device achieved Outstanding compared to the existing device which only obtained Very Satisfactory. On significant difference on the level of acceptability between the developed modified concrete cutting and existing concrete cutting in terms of functionality, durability, usefulness and safety and maintenance. On the level of performance in terms of accuracy and productivity, the device attained a verbal interpretation of Extremely Accurate and Very Productive respectively. The proponents of this study developed a user's manual consisting of different aspects of the manual such as the safety precautions, operating procedure, maintenance and component parts of the Modified Concrete Cutting Machine. The user's manual found out to be useful in operating the said device.

Cutting machines.

TJ1230 / .M72 2018