Level of performance of fourth year hearing impaired students in Morong National High School Jennifer Q. Batalon... [et al.]. - 2014 - 49 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm.

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The student aimed to find out the level of performance of fourth year hearing impaired students in Morong National High School during S.Y. 2013-2014. Five (5) students served as the respondents of the study. The descriptive and documentary designed was used in utilizing the validated adapted modified questionnaire checklist which included the academic performance of student and the level of performance of the student in terms of behavior, communication and social skills was determined. The relationship of academic performance to level performance of fourth year hearing impaired in Morong National High School is also determined. The findings revealed that respondent's academic performance is average or satisfactory. The findings also revealed that respondent's performance of fourth year hearing impaired students in Morong National High School doesn't affect each other because the teacher are making adjustment and modification with regards to the lesson and they focuses more in their attendance in giving grades. Based on the findings and conclusion of the study, the researchers recommended the following: the regular teachers may engage themselves in learning Basic Sign Language Seminar in order to teach hearing impaired students effectively and for them to easily cope up with the lesson, The teachers and their classmates may initiate to start conversation or shows interest to interact with those hearing impaired students to let them feel that they are accepted. The teachers may continually or may use varied strategies for making adjustments or modifications that will improve more learning of the hearing impaired students.

Special education.

LC 3950 / .L575 2014