A Critical Evaluation of Vitamin D - Clinical Overview - IntechOpen 2017 - 1 electronic resource (260 p.)

Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, also called as sunshine vitamin is derived mostly from sun exposure and food, and for normal activation, it has to undergo two hydroxylation reactions. Vitamin D affects more than 2000 genes in the body. Serum level of 25(OH) D is an ideal indicator of vitamin D status in our body. Vitamin D deficiency leads to various diseases. On a therapeutic point of view, vitamin D helps to treat many diseases. The book A Critical Evaluation of Vitamin D - Clinical Overview targets the principles, mechanisms, and clinical significance of vitamin D. This book covers four sections: Vitamin D in Cardiovascular and Renal Diseases, Vitamin D in Age and Neurological Diseases, Vitamin D and Cancer and Therapeutic Measurements of Vitamin D. Each of these sections is interwoven with the theoretical aspects and experimental techniques of basic and clinical sciences. This book will be a significant source to students, scientists, physicians, healthcare professionals and also other members of this society who are interested in exploring the role of vitamin D in human life.

[Vitamin D can be considered as vitamin of defense since it cures several diseases. - Sivakumar Gowder]

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