Catulay, Ariane R.

Cytotoxic test of gynura procumbens linn. (sabungai) leaves - January 2019 - x, 54 leaves ; illustrations ; 28 cm


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The study aimed to find the cytotoxic activity of sabungai leaves extract. It was conducted from September 2018 to January 2019, at university of rizal system morong campus, morong rizal during the school year 2018-2019. Experimental research design was employed in the study. The extraction of sabungai leaves was done at the laboratory room #3. College of science new building of university of rizal system, morong campus. The cytotoxic assay was conducted at the national science research institute, university of the Philippines, diliman, quezon city. To determine the cytotoxic test of sabungai leaves extract, mtt assay was used. It is a test that is widely used to identify cytotoxic potential of plant. The mtt assay is a reliable and convenient method for identifying toxicity which can measure cell proliferation, viability and cytotoxicity. The test subject used is sabungai, since it is used by many and generally known for its uses such as anti-hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, antihypertensive, antioxidant, glucose-lowering and antiulcerogenic. In determining the rate of cytotoxic test in terms of percent live cells of sabungai leaves extract, roswell park memorial institute (rpmi) media, a known cell growth promoter, and triton x-100, a known cytotoxic agent was determined by calculating the percentage survival of the cell. The result of the mtt assay shows that, sabungai leaves extract percent live cells is close to rpmi live cells and distal to the triton x-100 percent live cells. Based from the findings of the study it is concluded that sabungai extract is cytotoxic relative to the amount of number of leaves used.

Botanical chemistry.
Plant--Chemical analysis.
Plant chemistry.

QK861 / .C28 2019