Sutingco, Wilinda D.

Development and validation of enhancement activities in chemistry - September 2016 - xii, 84 leaves : illustrations ; 28 cm


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: The study aimed to develop and validate the enhancement activities in chemistry, for remedial classes in Francisco p. felix memorial national high school year 2015-2016. It made used of descriptive developmental research. This involved grade 9 learners chosen who have least mastered skills in chemistry. There were 25 learners subjected to remedial classes who were chosen purposively on the basis of their grades in chemistry. The activities covered understanding of electronics structures of matter; understanding chemical bonding; understanding of carbon compounds; and understanding of computing moles, which were found to be the least mastered skills by the grade nine learners from the previous year. There were summative and enhancement tests administered to determine the level of performance of the participants before and after exposure to the remedial classes. A questionnaire checklist was also utilized to get feedback from the experts on the acceptability of the material. The research problems were answered by mean, standard deviation and t-test as statistical tools. Based on the analysis and interpretation of the data gathered, the performance of the participants in chemistry was poor, fairly satisfactory and satisfactory in electronics structure of matter, chemical bonding, carbon compounds, and computing moles as revealed by the summative. However, after exposure to remedial classes the performance was very satisfactory in all lessons as revealed by the enhancement test. Meanwhile, there was significant difference on the level of performance of the participants in chemistry, as revealed by the summative and enhancement test results with respect to the lessons, since the p-value obtained was less than the 0.05 level of significance which rejected the null hypothesis. The result of interview revealed that the learners found the material interesting and helpful in learning the lessons in chemistry. They also manifested that the use of the material stimulated their interests and maintained their motivation. Furthermore, the teacher-respondents evaluated the developed enhancement activities in chemistry as very much accepted in terms of content and language and style. Based on the findings, the study concluded that the enhancement activities helped improve the performance of the learners in chemistry since the material was evaluated as very much accepted and perceived to possess the characteristics of an instructional material. For student-respondents they enjoyed using the material since it contained the activities which stimulated their interest and maintained their motivation in learning the lessons.

Chemistry--Study and teaching

QD40 / .Su8 2016